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Why is bamboo the perfect fabric for children?
Bamboo is an excellent material to use for children’s clothing because of their amazing benefits.
1. Bamboo is exceptionally soft – You just can’t find this softness anywhere else. The softness comes from the rounded shape of the bamboo fibers, which means it doesn’t scratch your skin. It’s an excellent fabric for children who can’t tolerate discomfort and people with sensitive skin.
2. Bamboo is anti-bacterial – Bamboo contains a substance called bamboo kun, which protects the plant front fungus and bacteria. The properties of this substance remain even after processing, so the clothing naturally resists bacteria. With less bacteria comes less odor, too, so you can wear the items more often without washing.
3. Bamboo wicks moisture away – Bamboo fabric is better at absorbing moisture than cotton. When you sweat, the fabric pulls water off your body and holds it within the fabric, keeping you dry. This makes it perfect for babies who need to stay dry. It does this through micro-holes in the cross-stitching, which allows heat to escape. Overheating is dangerous for babies, so this is a big benefit.
4. Bamboo uses 1/3 less water – Bamboo doesn’t need as much water to grow as cotton. In most places, that means no irrigation systems are required. In many places, farmer go to great trouble to get the water they need, but bamboo is largely self-sufficient.
5. Bamboo replenishes on its own – Whereas most crops have to be seeded, bamboo sprouts entirely on its own because it will keep growing from the same stalk. It grows tightly compact, too, so a single acre of bamboo creates ten times the fabric as a single acre of cotton. Some bamboo can grow 25 feet in their first month!
6. Bamboo doesn’t require pesticides – Bamboo has always been grow without pesticides or insecticides. They just aren’t necessary because bamboo naturally resists bugs and pests. Since there’s little to inhibit their growth, bamboo also doesn’t require much for fertilizer aside what’s already in the ground. That makes them a low labor (thus low energy) crop.
What is different about Organic Cotton?
In short, organic cotton is grown without the use of toxic pesticides and insecticides that regular cotton is practically bathed in. It also doesn’t undergo the application of synthetic fertilizers to stimulate the growth process. Instead, organic systems of production are utilized to maintain fertile soil.
Federal regulations also prohibit the use of genetically engineered seeds in organic farming. These strict regulations mean that all cotton sold as organic in the U.S. must meet certain preset standards. This is not only good for the environment, but means that your baby isn’t being exposed to the potentially harmful and allergy-causing effects of cotton that is not certified organic.
Why do we feel sleepwear tight?
Sleepwear fits a bit tight in term of chest, seat circumference, thigh circumference. Because our design and size have to comply with the maximum dimensional criteria set out with Children’s Sleepwear Regulations. Rayon from bamboo fabric is quite stretching. Feel comfortable even if the fitting is tight.
What are the benefits of snug-fit sleepwear for kids?
1. Snug-fitting pajamas are not treated with flame retardants.
Because these pajamas are tight-fitting, they are exempt from flammability requirements. Therefore, no harmful chemical treatments are required for snug-fitting pajamas.
2. They decrease flammability and the risk of suffocation.
This is because when baby wears pajamas that are oversized or too loose, it increases the air between the clothes and baby’s skin making it easier to catch fire when exposed to a flame.
3. It stretches for baby’s comfort.
Some parents may look at snug-fitting sleepwear and think it looks way too small to fit baby comfortably. The truth is that snug-fitting sleepwear it made to stretch to conform to baby’s body for optimal comfort.
4. It decreases the risk of SIDS.
Since snug-fitting clothing does not hang off of baby like loose-fitting clothing does, it decreases the risk of suffocation which in turn decreases the risk of SIDS.
You should always make sure that the baby clothing you buy is in compliance with the CPSIA (Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act in USA) regulations. Silkberry Baby designed sleepwear is in compliance with the CPSIA regulations and Health Canada Children’s Clothing Requirement.
What is TOG value for Sleep Sack?
TOG is a unit of measure of thermal insulation used in the textile trade. The British "TOG" value is the international standard measurement of a blanket's thermal effectiveness (how well it keeps you warm).
Baby Sleep Tips
Learn your baby’s signs of sleepiness. Most babies provide signals when they are getting tired: rubbing eyes, pulling ears, getting cranky. Once your baby starts showing those signals, cuddle your baby to bed. Don’t wait. Otherwise your baby will be overtired and getting more difficulty to fall into sleep.
Establish a bedtime routine. Try using calming rituals that follow the same pattern each night. Create the mood by giving your baby a warm bath, reading stories, cuddling, rocking or playing lullabies. Sleeping sack will help baby develop sleeping routine. Especially when you travel outside, bring the same sleeping sack for your baby. Your little ones will feel the same and cuddle it into sleep.
Put your baby to bed awake and give her time to fall asleep on her own. Usually between six to eight weeks of age, you can start putting your baby down to sleep when he or she is still awake. Giving your baby a chance to “self soothe”.
Put your baby to sleep on her back. To reduce the risk of Sudden Infant Death Syndrome, Canadian Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths (CFSID) recommends that all babies be put to sleep on their backs. Also be sure that no loose bedding or stuffed toys are in the crib near the baby.
Place your baby to sleep in a crib next to the adult’s bed for first 6 months. Room sharing means placing your baby to sleep in a crib within arm’s reach of where you sleep. This may mean putting your baby’s crib next to your bed in your room, or putting a mattress next to his or her crib in your baby’s room.
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